Written by Peter Harrison

About the Games

Once every two years, thousands of athletes from across the globe — from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic to the Caribbean — come together to compete in the NatWest Island Games.


Months of rigorous training are put to the test over a week of events as competitors swim, shoot, sprint and swing their way to victory. From target and endurance events to team sports such as football, basketball and volleyball, the Games holds competitions in a diverse range of sports and is open to competitors as young as 13.

The Games welcomes spectators at all events, giving host islanders an exciting—and all too rare—opportunity to watch live international sport on their home turf.

And it’s truly worth watching. Games athletes perform to an exceptional standard—each one of them living proof that small communities can achieve great things.


Because there’s just something about islanders.

Growing up in small communities surrounded and shaped by the sea instills in us an independent spirit, a fierce pride in our culture and heritage — perhaps even a touch of stubbornness. It’s what gives Games competitors the will and determination to train hard, defy the odds and reach for gold.

Thanks to the NatWest Island Games, athletes no longer have to look to the mainland to compete at international level—they have the chance to represent their own community and raise the profile of even the smallest island.

Success at the Games is a victory not just for a single competitor or team, but for a whole nation.

For more information, please go to: International Island Games Association website

or Jersey 2015 Island Games website